Sony VPL-VW300ES
En våt drøm for hjemmekinoenttusiaster. Denne native 4K-projektoren gir mye for pengene om du først har bestemt deg for 4K, og løfter også bildekvaliteten på HD-innhold. Prisen setter den likevel klart på entusiast-nivå og med sine 14 kilo krever denne projektoren i tillegg et takoppheng som fort kan bli like dyr som en ordinær HD-projektor. Får hard medfart i flere tester for at den ikke inkluderer 3D-briller med tanke på totalprisen. Hovedegenskapen denne projektoren mangler sammenlignet med de dyrere storebrødrene er dynamisk iris.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Sony VPL-VW300ES er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 17 tester
One of the best projectors you can buy
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100 |
As an all-round package, it’s one of our favourite projectors of all time.
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100 |
This fantastic 4K all-rounder is pricey, but not many projectors make your movies look this good
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100 |
Sony has hit it out of the park with this 4K projector which provides excellent performance and incredible picture quality.
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100 |
The VPL-VW300ES is an almost irresistible proposition for home theatre fans.
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94 |
When you take into account the price of Sony's other 4K projectors it starts to look like remarkable value.
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89 |
If you've got the money, the space and the 4K source, the VPL-VW300ES is a shoe-in
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88 |
Litt som å kjøpe seg ny flott og dyr stasjonsvogn uten å ta med skinnseter og hengerfeste
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80 |
Kanonbra 4k-projektor för ambitiösa nördar
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78 |
Picture quality to die for, whatever the source.
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78 |
With most 4K current sources and all 1080p material, its resolution advantage over 1080p projectors is negligible
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76 |
Considering the current lack of 4K content, we cannot recommend buying such a device
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75 |
If you have the money, space, and 4K material, this will make a showpiece of your next home theater.
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75 |
With hardly any 4K content available, it's an expensive bit of future-proofing
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50 |
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