Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge har bare et par ørsmå endringer i spesifikasjonene fra den flate Galaxy S6, men selskapet tar seg bedre betalt for den buete skjermen. Designet er attraktivt, men flere testkilder hevder skjermen er mindre ergonomisk enn den flate, og at det er problemer med refleksjoner og mindre forvregninger. Ellers er prestasjonene like gode som S6.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 41 tester
Den koster skjorta, men har du råd til det, er dette den beste Android-telefonen til nå
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100 |
Samsung finds form in the soft lines of its Edge smartphone
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100 |
It took less than 12 seconds for me to be hopelessly smitten
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100 |
Markedets råeste mobil akkurat nå, både når det kommer til ytelse og design
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100 |
It may cost as much as your first car, but that's the price you pay for a phone this special
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100 |
Vi kunne ikke annet enn å gi terningkast 6
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100 |
All the right curves in all the right places
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100 |
Curves in all the right places - it's a stunning flagship smartphone
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100 |
Good enough to leave the iPhone behind
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92 |
Cost aside, if we’re to choose a phone in this latest series, we’d have to go with the S6 Edge
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92 |
Är du beredd att betala 1500 kronor extra bara för att få en snyggare telefon?
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90 |
The best phone Samsung has ever built
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89 |
Samsung gets its mojo back. Only let down by costing £100 more than the regular S6
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89 |
Striking curved design makes this the S6 to crave
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89 |
A triumph of engineering, beautifully curved form and function
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88 |
It’s easy to dismiss the Galaxy S6 Edge as a folly, but you shouldn’t
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88 |
Buy it for its looks, not because it's any more functional
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88 |
Beautiful design isn’t worth breaking the bank over
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88 |
Both phones also performed equally well, although we think the S6 Edge offers a few practical benefits over the S6
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88 |
The Galaxy S6 Edge is Samsung at its boldest
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86 |
The curved screen on both edges is handy for checking notifications, but uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time
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83 |
En flot telefon med en buet skærm, som vi ikke helt ved, hvad vi skal gøre med
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80 |
Med Galaxy S6 og S6 edge har Samsung fjernet så å si alt vi har kritisert dem for tidligere
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80 |
Stilpoängen du plockar om du väljer en Edge är mest bara det, stilpoäng
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78 |
A gorgeous smartphone, but you pay a lot for those curved edges
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75 |
The edge screen isn't worth paying extra for
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75 |
Sure it looks cool, but it's difficult to justify
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75 |
Taking you to the edge, but it's not as fun as it sounds
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75 |
Less ergonomic design than the regular S6. Curved display introduces reflections and distortions
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70 |
Lack of functionality down the edges
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67 |
Looks beautiful but harms the experience. We highly recommend a standard Galaxy S6
Les saken
56 |
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