HTC One M9
HTC One M9 er en av de billigere variantene på markedet, som likevel presterer godt. Den har minnekortleser, god skjerm, luksuriøst design og er enkel å bruke. Flere mener den er god, men at den ikke skiller seg spesielt ut i mengden. Batterilevetiden kunne vært bedre.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan HTC One M9 er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 41 tester
HTC has chosen the path of evolution for the next-gen One
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100 |
Offers a competitive camera experience, has excellent value-added software and is extremely capable
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94 |
A sexy smartphone with the brain to match its beauty
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89 |
Simple and straightforward, the HTC Sense 7 overlay has some great features not found on other handsets
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86 |
Runs the risk of feeling dated two years on
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84 |
Just like before, it’s spot-on with its performance
Les saken
81 |
Leverer en lekker metallkropp og noen fiffige funksjoner, men revolusjonerer ikke
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80 |
Det er lett å komme med lovord om HTC One M9, men billig er den ikke
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80 |
A gorgeous Android phone with a touch of déjà vu
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78 |
The HTC One M9 is a worthy successor to the M8, correcting most of that phone's main faults
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78 |
HTC leverer en solid brukeropplevelse i flott innpakning
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78 |
As a flagship device it's very well put together
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75 |
Still the best-designed smartphone currently available
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75 |
A luxury design that forgets about the basics
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75 |
A very good phone, but not brilliant
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75 |
Fast and the Sense 7 UI is a big improvement, but it doesn't do enough to make it really stand out
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75 |
Is let down slightly by an inconsistent camera and some software grumbles, but this is still a solid all-round flagship
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75 |
HTC pleases, but no longer leads the pack
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75 |
Much hyped, but a disappointing update
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75 |
Absolutely gorgeous, but hardware hasn't moved on much
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75 |
A great Android phone, but there are options that are slightly better
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67 |
The best One, but not the best phone
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67 |
Performance is great, although the camera doesn't measure up to those on LG and Samsung phones
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63 |
A blend of benefits... and blunders
Les saken
50 |
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