Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Den buete Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge har en 5,5 tommer skjerm, og er dermed litt større og dyrere enn den vanlige S7. S7 Edge sies å ha noen designmessige og praktiske fordeler over den flate versjonen, og økningen i prisen forsvares av flere. S7-serien oppleves som nær perfekt, men flere mener prisen er for høy.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 26 tester
The best all-round smartphone on the planet right now, with great battery life, performance and screen quality
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100 |
The best smartphone in the world right now
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100 |
Om penger ikke spiller noen rolle, må man selvfølgelig ha S7 Edge
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100 |
If you thought the S6 edge was good wait until you get the S7 in your hands
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100 |
Make no doubt, the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is a star performer
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100 |
Samsung's latest curved wonder is super-stylish, super-powered and simply all-round super
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100 |
Samsungs nyeste flaggskip gir oss hakeslepp
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100 |
Hvis pengene ikke er et problem, får du ikke en bedre Android-telefon akkurat nå
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100 |
Samsung has listened to customers and made an (almost) perfect smartphone
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100 |
The software that tries to take advantage of the curved screen still feels gimmicky
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90 |
Easily one of the best phones I’ve ever used
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90 |
The gorgeous Galaxy S7 Edge makes the best Android phone that much better
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90 |
A noteworthy phone rich in both the experience and performance – with a price point that’s justified against its sibling
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89 |
Best in class camera, design and performance make the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge the Android phone to beat in 2016
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88 |
It's now a refined, sophisticated and highly desirable piece of technology
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88 |
Utöver skärmspecialiteterna kan den dessutom en hel del annat
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86 |
Last year's Galaxy Edge was worth lusting over. This year's is worth buying
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78 |
Sexy curves and an impressive camera - but there's one major catch
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75 |
For those that can look past the cost, this is a handset that is hard to put down
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63 |
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