Sony CyberShot DSC-RX10 II
Sony CyberShot DSC-RX10 II kan filme i 4K-format og har god bildekvalitet. Optikken er lyssterk, og kameraet er enkelt i bruk. Byggekvaliteten er generelt god. Mange mener kameraet er for dyrt og at autofokusen kan være for treg. Det har innebygget Wi-Fi.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Sony CyberShot DSC-RX10 II er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 25 tester
An excellent lens, very good build and handling, and it excels at video capture
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100 |
A hugely impressive camera and, even without counting its tricksy high-speed antics, incredibly versatile
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100 |
An exact copy of the RX10...with 4K added
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100 |
Expandable, good ergonomics and superior image quality
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95 |
The best choice for photographers who want to use a lot of accessories
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94 |
Sony offers small improvements, but they come with a large price tag
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94 |
If you don'want to use a DSLR or DSLM, the RX 10 II is a good choice with a comparable level of quality
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90 |
The image quality is simply outstanding and well equipped for a compact camera
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90 |
The inclusion of high resolution, high speed video makes the RX10 Mark II unique
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88 |
One highly capable camera that's hard not to recommend
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88 |
Sony's high-end bridge camera gets a refresh
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88 |
Excellent stills camera and an outstanding video machine. Ergonomics, handling and build-quality are all top notch
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82 |
An expensive stunner, but fantastic nevertheless.
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75 |
Offers serious video upgrades, but it's priced a bit higher than it should be
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75 |
It’s the Sony RX10 II’s slow motion modes that really stand out
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75 |
The lack of an integrated viewfinder costs in the test valuable points
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72 |
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