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HTC Vive

Mange mener HTC Vive gir den beste VR-opplevelsen på markedet i dag. De har både kamera, mikrofon og trådløse håndkontroller med bevegelsessensor. De har også roomscale med et spillområde på opptil ca. 12 m². Maska kan oppleves som litt stor, tung og ukomfortabel. Mange skulle ønske oppsettet innebar færre ledninger og rot, og at det var mindre plasskrevende. Flere kunne også tenke seg innebygde høyttalere, samt at det var større og bedre utvalg av spill. Bildekvaliteten er heller ikke optimal.


Kompatibel med: PC med Windows® 7 SP1, Windows® 8.1 or later, Windows® 10
Roomscale: Ja
Spillområde: Opptil ca. 12 m²
Innebygde hodetelefoner: Nei
Innebygget mikrofon: Ja
Håndkontroll (tracket): Ja
Batteri håndkontroll: Oppladbart batteri, ca. 6 timer batteritid
Linse: Fresnel, 60.8-74.6 mm (Interpupilary distance (IPD), Eye Relief
Synsfelt (Field Of View): 110˚
Display: Dual AMOLED 3.6’’ diagonal
Oppløsning: 2160 x 1200
Oppdateringsfrekvens (maks): 90 Hz
Bildefrekvens: 90 bilder/sek
Sensor hodesett: Akselerometer, Gyroskopsensor
Sensor håndkontroll: Ikke oppgitt
Tilkobling: HDMI, USB 2.0, stereo 3.5 mm headphone jack, Power, Bluetooth
Dimensjoner: 89 x 190 × 127 mm
Vekt: 563 g

Under kan du lese mer om hvordan HTC Vive er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.



HTC Vive

Resultatet er basert på 44 tester

TechRadar (2017)

HTC Vive wins the first battle in the VR war. Les saken

The Telegraph (2016)

Miss this virtual reality experience at your peril. Les saken

The Daily Mirror (2016)

The virtual future is here.. and it’s mindblowing. Les saken


Vis alle tester (+39)

Tech Advisor (2017)

Provides an experience unrivalled by its competitors with room-scale tracking and bespoke handheld controllers. Les saken

Trusted Reviews (2017)

Offers, quite simply, the best virtual-reality experience you can get. Les saken

TIME (2016)

The HTC Vive Fulfills Virtual Reality’s Boldest Promises. Les saken

PC Gamer (2016)

Despite some drawbacks with its hardware, the HTC Vive is an avenue to incredible VR experiences. Les saken

Engadget (2016)

The HTC Vive offers the best in-home VR experience yet, but it's too unwieldy to truly enjoy for extended play sessions. Les saken

Lyd & Bilde (2016)

HTC Vive setter standarden for Virtual Reality. Les saken

TechGearLab (2017)

Editor's choice. The best you can get when it comes to VR. Les saken

CNET (2016)

Vive is the best virtual-reality experience you can have right now. Les saken

The Verge (2016)

Some of the best ideas in VR, but not the best execution. Les saken

Tom's Guide (2016)

Delivers an unrivaled virtual-reality experience with crisp graphics, accurate room tracking and intuitive touch-enabled controllers. Les saken

Digital Trends (2016)

Take the blue pill. HTC's Vive weaves a VR fantasy you’ll never want to leave. Les saken

ComputerShopper (2016)

Isn’t as refined or comfortable as the Oculus Rift's, but the visuals and tracking are just as good. Les saken

Stuff UK (2017)

It asks more of you than Oculus does, but Vive also rewards you with an even more immersive, transformative VR experience. Les saken

Wareable (2016)

Shows us just what VR is capable of – but it's still for early adopters. Les saken

IT Pro (2016)

For now, it's a vision of what the future could be - not what it is. Les saken

Pocket-lint (2016)

An experience that’s out of this world. Les saken

PC Mag UK (2017)

The most comprehensive virtual reality system available, and also the most expensive. Les saken

Alphr (2016)

Black magic in a box you strap to your head. Les saken

Expert Reviews (2017)

Room-scale VR is an experience like no other, and nothing does it better than the HTC Vive. Les saken

Digital Spy (2016)

But, at the moment it's also fairly tricky to entirely recommend. Les saken

Recombu (2016)

The Vive sets the bar for consumer VR. Les saken

The Irish Times (2017)

Vive is pricey, but a good option if you have deep pockets and a hankering for virtual reality. Les saken

PC World USA (2016)

Room-scale VR is incredible at enhancing experiences. Les saken

Wired UK (2016)

High maintenance but worth the hassle. Les saken

Tek.no (2016)

Har sine mangler, men virker godt nok til å gi skikkelig god VR-opplevelse. Les saken

M3 (2017)

Om du väl får till installationen är den klart häftigast på vr-marknaden, och erbjuder en helt unik upplevelse. Les saken

International Business Times UK (2016)

However, a recommendation can only be based on the tolerance level of the potential buyer. Les saken

Daily Star (2016)

The potential for this tech is huge and it takes gaming to a whole new, and insanely immersive, level. Les saken

Computer Bild (2016)

The hardware is high-quality and the install is surprisingly easy and fast. Les saken

Daily Express (2016)

This impressive headset is the future, but the future's not here yet. Les saken

T3 Magazine (2016)

It's expensive, bulky, hard to set up, of questionable long-term value… But still so easy to love. Les saken

PC & Tech Authority (2016)

Undoubtedly the best VR headset you can currently buy, but know its limits before you rush in. Les saken

Datormagazin (2016)

Den tekniska sidan hos HTC Vive visar helt klart potential. Les saken

#virtual-reality #vr #htc

VR-brillene som gir den rette virtuelle opplevelsen

VR-briller er ikke noe nytt, men det er fortsatt en snakkis, og nye modeller dukker stadig opp på markedet. I denne samletesten ser du hvilke som er best på tvers av forbrukertester i Norge og utlandet – uansett hvilket budsjett du har og hvordan du har tenkt å bruke brillene. Les saken

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Resultater: VR-brillene som gir den rette virtuelle opplevelsen