Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift har innebygde hodetelefoner med tilfredsstillende lyd. Brillene er komfortable og solide, men bildekvaliteten er ikke optimal. De fungerer ikke sammen med Mac, og noen kilder har litt problemer med å koble til skjermen. Flere mener spill-, film- og apputvalget er godt. Oculus Touch-kontrollene med bevegelsessporing kom på markedet i etterkant av lanseringen, og anmelderne mener disse hever kvaliteten på hele brukeropplevelsen av Rift. Touch-kontrollene er foreløpig ikke standard tilbehør. Oculus Rift har et standard 2-kamera roomscale-system som ikke er optimalt, men kjøper du et ekstra kamera, får du full roomscale som fungerer godt. De fleste kildene mener installasjonen er relativt enkel, særlig sammenlignet med HTC Vive.
Kompatibel med: PC med minimum Windows 8.1 eller nyere. Anbefalt Windows 7 SP1 64-bit eller nyere
Roomscale: Ja
Spillområde: Opptil ca. 5,5 m²
Innebygde hodetelefoner: Ja
Innebygget mikrofon: Ja
Håndkontroll (tracket): Ja
Batteri håndkontroll: AA-batterier eller oppladbart batteri, ca. 30 timer batteritid med oppladbart batteri
Linse: Hybrid Fresnel, 58-71 mm (Interpupilary distance (IPD), Eye Relief
Synsfelt (Field Of View): 110˚
Display: 90 mm × 2,456 ppi OLED
Oppløsning: 2160 x 1200
Oppdateringsfrekvens (maks): 90 Hz
Bildefrekvens: 90 bilder/sek
Sensor hodesett: Akselerometer, Magnetometer, Gyroskopsensor
Sensor håndkontroll: Ikke oppgitt
Tilkobling: HDMI 1.3, USB 3.0, USB 2.0
Dimensjoner (b x d): 171 × 102 mm
Vekt: 470 g
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Oculus Rift er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 50 tester
Test av Touch-kontroller: Oculus is back on equal footing.
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100 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: The Touch controllers are the best VR controllers available, and must-have accessories for the Oculus Rift.
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89 |
Test av Rift med Touch: The Oculus Rift isn't the cheapest VR option but it's certainly one of the best and thus comes highly recommended.
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89 |
Test uten Touch: This is an astonishingly well-made device.
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89 |
Test uten Touch: VR gaming has lots of growing to do, but even now it's amazing.
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89 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: If you already have an Oculus, this is a no-brainer purchase.
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88 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: Well worth the wait.
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88 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: It still only puts the Rift VR headset on par with the Vive.
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88 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: Exactly what the headset needs to provide a more immersive VR experience.
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88 |
Test uten Touch: The big downside is its price, as well as the fact that it requires a PC gaming rig.
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84 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: The Oculus Rift is finally complete.
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83 |
Test uten Touch: Excellent sitting and standing experiences and quality of the headset.
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83 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Långtifrån en perfekt produkt i dagsläget, men den slår ändå de flesta av konkurrenterna på fingrarna.
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78 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: Lightweight, easy to use and offer a deeply immersive VR experience.
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78 |
Test uten Touch: The Rift in particular is relentlessly focused on gaming.
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78 |
Test uten Touch: The Oculus Rift delivers jaw-dropping, immersive VR experiences with a comfortable design and intuitive interface.
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78 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Great combination of controls and apps for next-level VR and some room tracking.
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78 |
Test uten Touch: The promise of VR is thrilling, but the experiences the Rift enables right now are just scratching the surface.
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76 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Truly makes Rift worth it.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: A comfortable, pleasant VR headset that is well supported in software terms and offers great potential.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: New motion controllers finally make Oculus the King of VR.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Oculus' New Controllers Fix the Rift's Biggest Shortcoming.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: After years of dev kits and prototypes and behind-closed-door demos, the Oculus Rift is finally ready for consumers.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Best Buy. A solid choice for the budget conscious shopper that wants a premium VR experience.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: Impressive virtual reality experience with more compatible software than the HTC Vive, but it's still waiting on motion controls.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: I was fairly impressed with the headset.
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75 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: Make the Rift ecosystem a much more immersive experience.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Oculus Rift represents one of the best value-for-money purchases in the VR hardware space.
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75 |
Test av Touch-kontroller: An awesome addition to Rift, but as an overall package Vive is still a hair ahead.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: Simple to set up, very intuitive - but it needs motion controllers.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: A triumph for every tech head – this isn’t just a step towards the future, it is an almighty leap.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: You’re really going to want a Rift.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: Excellent selection of games and easy to set up.
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75 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Delivers an impressive virtual reality experience with more compatible software than the HTC Vive.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: Isn't the all-encompassing "future of entertainment," but we're optimistic that it might earn that title in the coming weeks, months and years.
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75 |
Test uten Touch: The processing is high quality and the built-in headphones are a clever solution.
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68 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Oculus startet VR-kappløpet, men Rift handler først og fremst om tradisjonell spilling.
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67 |
Test uten Touch: Oculus Rift is missing key ingredients to make it a fully realized VR experience.
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63 |
Test uten Touch: The most comfortable VR headset we’ve used
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63 |
Test av Rift med Touch: Oculus Touch buoys the Rift, but there's still work to be done.
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56 |
Test uten Touch: The Oculus Rift has already been surpassed by its imitators.
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44 |
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