PlayStation VR
PlayStation VR (PSVR) er hovedsaklig laget for gaming og PlayStation-eiere, med lavere oppløsning enn Vive og Rift, men flere melder om at filmer også vises fint med PSVR. Den får poeng for gode apper og spillutvalg, samt at den er svært behagelig å ha på seg, også hvis du bruker briller. Får pluss for forholdsvis rimelig pris og god brukervennlighet. PlayStation Aim Controllers og Move Motion Controllers kan kjøpes i tillegg, men bevegelsessporingen er ikke like god som for HTC Vive og Oculus Rift. PlayStation Camera er ekstra tilbehør som skal sørge for roomscale, men dette fungerer ikke godt nok.
Kompatibel med: PS4-konsoller
Roomscale: Ja
Spillområde: Opptil ca. 4 m²
Hodetelefoner: Nei
Innebygget mikrofon: Ja
Håndkontroll (tracket): Ja
Batteri håndkontroll: Playstation Move Controller: Oppladbart batteri, batteritid opptil 10 timer
Linse: Ikke oppgitt
Synsfelt (Field Of View): 100˚
Display: 5,7" OLED
Oppløsning: 1920 x 1080
Oppdateringsfrekvens (maks): 120 hz
Bildefrekvens: 120 bilder/sek
Sensor hodesett: Gyroskopsensor, Akselerometer
Sensor håndkontroll: Akselerometer, Rate Sensor, Magnetometer
Tilkobling: AUX port, HDMI output port, HDMI TV port, HDMI PS4 port, USB port
Dimensjoner: 185 × 277 x 187 mm
Vekt: 610 g
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan PlayStation VR er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 40 tester
The best case for VR yet, and even better on PS4 Pro.
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100 |
PSVR also provides the most affordable, accessible and comfortable headset on the market.
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100 |
Against the Vive it may not offer the level of detail and immersion, but is pretty darn close.
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100 |
Not as sophisticated as some other headsets but the PSVR offers the best bang for your buck.
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89 |
An affordable introduction to quality VR.
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88 |
Surprisingly comfortable and capable, despite its limited hardware. And surprisingly, it has better games than the Rift or Vive.
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84 |
For now, the motion controllers are the system's biggest shortcoming.
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83 |
Sony created something exceptional.
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83 |
Sony's relatively inexpensive PlayStation VR headset brings good-quality virtual reality to the masses.
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83 |
Inget annat än en teknisk revolution.
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78 |
The PSVR does all those things, and does them well.
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78 |
A handful of frustrations can't stop Sony's VR headset from impressing.
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78 |
If you want to want to spend less than $1,000 dollars on VR setup (headset and PC/console), PSVR really is your only option.
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78 |
Sony did it. The PSVR is actually pretty great.
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77 |
Playstation VR beviser hvorfor virtuell virkelighet bør bli allemannseie.
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76 |
Brings powerful, compelling virtual reality, with motion control support, to the PlayStation 4.
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75 |
PlayStation VR er brugervenlig og velfungerende.
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75 |
A great piece of quality hardware supported by a strong line-up of launch games.
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75 |
PS4's headset is the Oculus and Vive you may actually buy.
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75 |
PS VR is immersive, affordable and a dump truck load of fun.
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75 |
Sony’s virtual reality system requires add ons but offers ease, comfort and interaction.
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75 |
I’m confident that gamers will enjoy what Sony is offering with the PlayStation VR.
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75 |
THIS is mainstream VR (with some ifs and buts).
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75 |
Offering an exceptional gaming and VR media experience, the PlayStation VR is a fantastic choice, as long as you already own a PS4.
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74 |
Svært komfortable å ha på og de er enkle å tilpasse på hodet.
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67 |
Teknologien er overbevisende, og selve produktet er særdeles gjennomført.
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60 |
Capable of delivering incredible experiences, but some teething issues mean we can’t yet recommend it without reservations.
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50 |
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