Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale
Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale synkroniserer via Bluetooth eller Wi-Fi til Fitbit-appen, og den er kompatibel med iOS, Android og Windows. Den måler vekt, BMI, fettprosent og muskelmasse. Den fungerer uten Fitbit-klokke, men brukt sammen gir de mange flere muligheter, som målsetting og måltidscoach. Mange anmeldere mener den er enkel i bruk, mens andre kommenterer at den er lite brukervennlig og vanskelig å sette opp første gang. Den får pluss for byggekvalitet og app med mange muligheter, men flere trekker for lav følsomhet, middels kroppsfettanalyse og høy prislapp. Maks brukervekt er 158 kg, og den kan lagre 8 brukerprofiler.
Under kan du lese mer om hvordan Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale er blitt tatt imot av testkildene.
Resultatet er basert på 21 tester
If you can afford it, the $129.95 Aria Wi-Fi scale adds real-time weight tracking to Fitbit's fitness arsenal.
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81 |
$129.95 is twice the price of standalone scales offering the same body composition measurements.
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76 |
The true value comes from the easy-to-navigate app and the Web portal with food and activity trackers.
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75 |
Thanks to the all-encompassing Fitbit ecosystem, the Aria remains the easiest way to track your vital statistics.
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75 |
Especially useful if you're building muscle rather than just out to lose weight.
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75 |
If weight loss is one of your fitness goals the Aria is a great tool to combine with your Fitbit activity tracker.
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75 |
However, if you're not wedded to Fitbit's app, consider the Withings WS-50.
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67 |
While we commend its simplicity, we’d like to have the option to ask it to display more information to justify the high asking price.
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67 |
An expensive scale, and therefore it’s really only a smart purchase if you’re already a FitBit Ultra owner.
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67 |
It’s useful, and I’m slightly more inclined to use it than any other scale.
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63 |
The main problem is accuracy, however.
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63 |
I can only recommend the Fitbit Aria to fitness fans, and they lose points for that irritating set up glitch.
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63 |
Fitbit’s app offers more features, such as the ability to record the food you eat and calculate calories based on activity and meals.
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63 |
On a carpet, or even springy floorboards, it's likely to give inaccurate and inconsistent results; it must be used on a concrete floor.
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50 |
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